Go For Broke: “HOLY MOSES”

Hey guys, and welcome back! Glad that you decided to come back!

Last time I wrote about Paul, who to me is the person who represents Going for Broke for God. He was the person God chose to bring his kingdom to the gentiles. He went all in leaving everything behind. He faced certain death and did not care because he knew what was waiting for him. He was the man for this. There is one thing …. We are not Paul. We are all different people and come with different experiences. Paul had the skills to do what God wanted him to do. We all have particular skills that God can use to spread his kingdom.

One problem that most people have, including me, is that we hate being taken out of our comfort zone. It is a hard thing to do. You don’t want to be put into a situation where you are uncomfortable. You always want to feel in control of your surroundings. I struggle with this sometimes. I’m sure everyone does. We can’t be like this if we want to kingdom to grow. It is scary to be put in those kinds of situations. It is hard for us to talk to people about our faith because you don’t want to feel rejected, wrong, defeated, and judgemental. Remember,

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Tim 1:7

A great example is Moses. Like, seriously. He got thrown into something he was not prepared for. He was born a hebrew, sent down the Nile to escape certain death, and then raised as an Egyptian. He did not know God, but God knew him. God had a plan for our buddy Moses. After killing an Egyptian and being exiled from the land and some other stuff, God revealed himself through the burning bush. He chose Moses to be an instrument to free His people. Moses’ said,

“Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Exodus 3:11

Why should it be him. At this point he is married and away from the family he knew. Why should it be him. He has everything he needs. NO! This is the big idea. He calls us no matter where we are and shatters what we feel comfortable with. We need to see that we are closing ourselves off and not letting God use us to spread the kingdom. Moses was hesitant, but you don’t say no to the Creator you say no to the work and the pain that comes with it.

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