Why You Need To Be A Dream Teller

The past couple of weeks have been wild for me and Victor. Sorry that we’ve been behind on posts! I’m writing now after having the Monday of all Mondays. I could list all the reasons why my Monday went bad, but let me share why I didn’t totally burst into tears at the end of the day.

I’ve had this story idea for a novel for three years now, but I hadn’t really shared it with anyone until today. As soon as I somewhat shared my dream of writing a novel with an author friend, I started outlining my story and it’s characters. My dream finally was in action. Now, I’m super excited to actually start writing it!

The hope of reaching my dreams really kept my spirits high today when my flats were soaking wet from the rain and I was getting everything wrong in class. Dreams keep us motivated, but they’re scary.

Dreams aren’t always practical or reasonable. Sometimes they make no sense at all, but they’re worth it.

When I was fourteens-year-old I had this crazy idea that I could end sex trafficking around the world. It was taboo and I hadn’t even had the talk yet. It was awkward…

One day, me and my sister were getting in the car after leaving Target and I just had to tell someone my dream. I told my sister that I had to do something about sex trafficking.

Immediately, she connected me with people to help me achieve my dreams. Soon after, I held my first 5K fundraiser and she was one of the thirteen people who came and walked/ran in the rain to benefit girls in sex slavery. From there, I went on to hold several 5K’s and was able to help several more girls.

My dream wouldn’t have become a reality if I didn’t share it with someone.

Today’s post is short, but is so important. It’s not just important for you, but also for the people who are waiting for an impact like yours.

If you never go after those wild ideas in your head, they’ll never come to life. Share your dreams, as scary as it may be, because you need people to encourage you and to help you along the way. Remember, seeds can’t turn into beautiful flowers without the help of water and sunshine.

Have an awesome week!

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