
My pride keeps me from stepping up

I worry more about what’s in my cup

All he does is set me up

For the things that I don’t see


He brought me people who love me

These people fill my heart with so much glee

His love for me has set me free

From the things that hurt the most


Free from all the hate

Free from all the struggle

Free from all the people who kept me in a bubble

All i want to do is unravel His Puzzle

To get closer to the real me


The me who does not care

About the things that ensnare

Me and keep me sitting in that wheelchair

Watching everything pass by as I declare

The things that keep me from this amazing love


His love for me is unending

All He wants to do is help with the mending

Of the wounds that we make. Neverending.

I cannot forget what has been done


Who I was before can’t be forgotten

Because I was so rotten

By the sin I chose to continue in

Has hurt me and others


I am born again

A new creation

A prince of the kingdom

With the King of all Kings


My past is not a setback

My past made me who I am

That past brought me to the altar

With Him at my side, I will never falter

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