Meet Amie

I’m Amie Mabe and this isn’t my first rodeo. I first started blogging in 2013 when I discovered I was struggling with depression and anxiety. Writing became my form of worship during this season and I was thankful to have found a large group of loving supporters of my work and of me.

After learning to better manage these issues, I transferred to a four-year university, traveled overseas, adopted a Shar-Pei (mix), got married, moved back in with my parents, and gradually, overtime found my own voice stronger than ever.

So, why would you want to read anything else I have to say? Well, I’m a twenty-something-year-old who really likes potatoes. I fantasize about what it’d be like to be best friends with Michelle Obama, or maybe just her personal assistant. I spend most of my time on farms and at the dollar section at Target. My celebrity crush would definitely be George Bush. I’m trying to lose weight, but they have ice cream in all the libraries at my school, NC State University. This would be a treacherous task for anyone, truly. I like both high-end and drugstore makeup, because I try not to judge, and you shouldn’t either.

Most of all, I like to get real and transparent.

I love myself enough to never be afraid to be myself, and I aspire to inspire others to feel the same. I strive to live a righteous life- “good and pleasing to God (1 Timothy 2:3).”

What am I doing here…?

We live in a day and age where people are scared to talk face-to-face. People are scared to be confrontational. People are afraid to be curious and to ask questions because it might make them look different than everyone else around them. And, yes, the “Me” generation wants to act like we’re all about individuality on our Instagram’s, when in reality we tend to be scared to leave the mainstream.

On another note, I’m not really sure where christianity stands in the “Me” generation. I think anyone growing up today who claims a God-based faith has had struggles with following trends and peer pressure. Even if you’re not a believer, it can be difficult to judge between right and wrong, or what others want you to do and what you really want to do with your life. For some it’s scary to come out as believer in Jesus. If this is your current situation, then I get it because I’ve been there.

Like I said, it’s scary for people to step out of their comfort zones with others watching and it’s uncomfortable to talk about God and life in general sometimes. The purpose of this blog is for me to deal with these same issues, and to show some of you that you aren’t the only one. Church might be the last place you’d ever see yourself, but hopefully you can find a virtual sanctuary within this blog.

My goal is to help others see Jesus within their everyday life and love it!