Meet Victor

Hey guys, this is Victor. Welcome to my about me, where I will take you down a magical journey of understanding who I am. Where to start how about…..

IN THE BEGINNING……  that might be too far. How about, my story starts in 1994 in the great city of Los Angeles. I was born to Latino immigrants from El Salvador. I lived there until my parents made a huge decision which was to move to North Carolina in 2004 when my dad got a better job out here. I will say that decision sent me on a wild journey and made me the person I am now. I grew up in this wonderful state and all I can say is that it feels like home. I may be a Californian in body, but a Carolina boy at heart. I am a senior in college about to graduate with a B.S. in biology and a minor in religious studies. I want to use what I learned in school to teach others and let them know that their circumstances does not define who they are and who they will be.

If it wasn’t for that choice of my parents to move here I would not be writing this now for you to read. I would not made the friends I have now that are my brothers, I would not met the person who I love with my whole heart,Molly,  met Amie to do this blog, and most importantly fell in love with Jesus. It’s been a roller coaster ride of life for me the past couple of years, and without all those twist, turns, and loops I would not be here writing about Jesus and telling people how He changed my life and how I hope I can share what He has shown me onto you. Thanks for reading and lets enjoy this ride called life! Two things I want all of you to remember something that has stuck with me since high school that may be big ideas in my blogs. These ideas comes from one my old friends and my youth pastor that really changed that way I look at things.

  • You are what you fill yourself with.
  • Jesus cares more about who you are becoming, not who you are now.